Chizu Town

Chizu Town in Tottori Prefecture, where Suwaizumi was born

A small town with a population of 7,000, located in the least-populated prefecture in Japan, Tottori

Chizu Town, of which more than 90% of the total area is mountain forests, is completely covered with greenery, primarily the Japanese cedar. In the Edo period (1603 – 1868), it flourished as a post-station town for people entering and leaving the town, and some of the townscape and architecture still remain from back then.

Ishitani Residence
Ishitani Residence
Snow Festival
Snow Festival
Suwa-jinja Shrine
Suwa-jinja Shrine
Mihashira Festival
Mihashira Festival

The ceder forest, where the endangered “momonga” species lives, gives birth to our tasty sake

Japanese flying squirrel
Japanese flying squirrelspan[Scientific name: Pteromys momonga]

Momonga (Japanese flying squirrels) live in subalpine forests from Honshu (the main land of Japan) to the Shikoku and Kyushu regions. They eat nuts, buds, fruits and tree bark. They are nocturnal in habit. They are an endangered species in Tottori Prefecture, seen living in the cedar forests in Ashizu in Chizu Town.

Photo provided by Tottori Prefecture